HELLO! I want to keep using this blog but since JTA is sadly over, I'll just post more personal stuff here! I'll start with a Fiona cheat-sheet! There are the things people might want to know about me and what I have recently discovered about myself. I decided to do this because... I'm bored and I just feel like sharing myself to the world. haha! Enjoy!

Favorites V|S Hates:
Color - Blue | Green
Fruit - Orange/Mango | Tomato (in itself)
Drink - Orange juice (but my ultimate favorite is Bubble tea's strawberry milk tea!) | Tea (ironically)
Candy flavor - Cola (but I don't really drink soft drinks) | Grape (I like the grape fruit itself)
Cartoon - Spongebob (forever and ever!!!) | The Wild Thornberries
Food - Seafoods | Anything raw/rare/not well-done
Animal - Cats | ---
Vegetable - Eggplant | Cilantro (I can't eat anything with this!)

Interesting/less-known facts about me:
1. I sleep around 9:30PM every night
2. I can't sleep without a night light on
3. I'm extremely afraid of ghost stories/movies
4. I've always wanted to be like Britney Spears (before she got messed up). Then, I wanted to be a scientist. (but look at my course now.. haha!)
5. I absolutely love flowers! Just looking at them makes me happy!
6. I seem to have an affinity for water... I love rainy days so much too!
7. I'm a very OC person. I can't stand disorder and mess.
8. I prefer to date older guys (but I'd have to cap that to around 8 years) because immaturity turns me off.
9. I sneeze or have colds almost every single day (allergic rhinitis)
10. I can't sleep without taking a bath first
11. I love anything glittery/shiny! Anything!
12. Nature-lover. Mmmm.. (~_~)
13. I have a strong faith (I think I do anyway)
14. I am very fickle minded especially when it comes to shopping.
15. I love to wear dresses!

Oh yeah. :>
'Til next time! :*


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